1 1/2 cups sifted enriched flour 1/2 cup shortening
1/2 teaspoon salt 4 to 5 tablespoons cold water
Bake in a hot oven (450 degrees) for 12 to 15 minutes.
Increase the amount of ingredients using these proportions to suit the size of the group.



Everyone washes their hands. The children sit or stand around a large table. The teacher and children roll up their sleeves and wear white aprons. The teacher weighs or measures the ingredients into a large bowl, explaining what she is doing, to the children.
Sift together the flour and salt. Cut in the shortening with a pastry-blender or blending fork till pieces are the size of small peas. To make pastry extra tender and flaky, divide shortening in half. Cut in first half till mixture looks like corn meal. Then cut in remaining half till pieces are the size of peas.
The teacher makes a hole in the center of the mixture and gradually pours in cold water while using a fork to bind the ingredients together. Just the right amount of water is used to combine the ingredients into a ball. The bowl must be clean. Do this by sprinkling water, a tablespoon at a time, over part of the mixture. Gently mix with fork; push to one side of bowl. Sprinkle next tablespoon water over dry part; mix lightly; push to moistened part at side. Repeat till all is moistened. Gather up with fingers; form into ball. Let stand several minutes.
The teacher takes a piece of the pastry and rolls it lightly into a ball. She lightly flours the board and rolling pin. She shows the children how to roll the pastry into an oblong of about 1/4 inch thick. Pastry is rolled from the center outwards.
Each child is given a ball of pastry to roll out. The pastry can be used for different purposes on different occasions.
1. Grated cheese is added to the dry ingredients. When the pastry has been rolled out, it is cut into strips (4" x 1") and baked to make cheese straws.
2. The children can learn to use a pastry cutter. The circles of pastry are pressed into shallow baking tins. A spoonful of jam is placed in the center of each and baked. These are called jam tarts.
Everything used in the making of pastry must be cold as possible, including the hands. The hands can be held under the cold water to cool them on a hot day.
Pastry can be refrigerated before baking. It should be taken out of the refrigerator at least 1/2 hour before baking.
When older children have made pastry a number of times with the group, they should be able to remember the recipe and the procedure and make pastry by themselves.

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